Hi Carmie,
Thank you for writing me back I look so forward to your replies. Last night was a little better but today the pain is back. I had a very bad nightmare right before I awoke so that did not help my anxiety. My husband scared me today he said the doctor I saw was a "quack" and I dont want to believe that he seemed to do what he could, I think my husband is just frustrated I am still so sick, I have been on the antibotics for eight days Carmie, am I in denial? I keep hoping I am going to wake up and the intense ear pain and hoarseness will be gone, the back of my neck is very stiff too, that may be from tension, and I am very very tired.
Carmie my husband wants me to make a ears nose and throat appt and that terrifies me!! Just the thought of him sticking some camera down my throat sends me into panic and when the words "throat cancer" come I know I will just fall apart.
First I have to see my primary care doctor, that usually takes a week or so to get in then he refers me to a ENT and that may take weeks! just the waiting will drive me crazy, should I just go to ER monday and get it over with? if its something bad waiting three or four weeks will make it worse, I want to just go somewhere where they can look down my throat with a mirror, the fear of these procedures are bad, I am still praying the antibotics will work, if its viral it just had to run its course.
My brother called today and we spoke briefly because I dont want to use whats left of my voice too much, he said he works with a guy who had severe pain in his ear when swallowing and he sounded a "little" hoarse, that made me feel better, not that this poor man is sick but that it could be just a virus, he has been out of work for days, maybe I just have what he has.
The olive oil takes the edge off, thank you Carmie. I hope this just goes away because I really do not think I am strong enough to have a camera shoved down my throat, I would probably faint just walking in the office! I am praying that this ends and I get the strength to do what I have too do.