I am a wife and mother of three and I have been dealing with anxiety for about 9 months now and it all started with me going to the doctor and she said I was depressed so she gave me vybrid which started me to having panic attacks and also I started having crying spells. My husband was supposed to go to work and I started crying and wouldn't stop he had to stay home and so she took me off of them without weaning and it left me with anxiety I haven't really had panic attacks since I have been off the meds but I have almost had some but I just keep thinking "ur ok ur " and I try to avoid anything that makes me feel like I will have one. But now I am having trouble sleeping and just being anxious for no reason my husband just went back offshore and I am trying to cope with being home alone during the day I also have until August before I have to take my RMA exam or I lose my money and I can't make myself sit down and study for it I am wanting to try some things that I think will help me like yoga, therapy, meditation, acupuncture, exercise, etc