I've been doing very well and wanted to let everyone know that a few months ago I thought I could not get over this and finally I think I got what it takes to overcome this.
Although, I sometimes wish I could forget what happened to me but I learnt so much from it. The most important things I got from this experience is, "what you think is what you feel". If you think sad thoughts, you feel sad, if you think scared things, you feel scared. I give myself psychosomatic symptoms because I'll think I'm dizzy and then I'll start feeling dizzy and if I let it scare me I'll panic... Now I just challenge, change my though patterns and look for the positives.
Also, you've always had anxiety, but at some point in your life, it's scared you and became uncontrollable. Practice all the anxiety skills till you perfect it. I'm still practicing them till this day, but the difference is now I don't dwell on what's happening to me or my body or my mind. I just accept everything as it is and move on...
Davit: you were a real good help to me. You gave me analogies that still sticks in my mind when I feel anxiety or down. You're right we have to keep practicing and then realize that we're not even practicing anymore, it's become automatic.
I'm not saying I'm 100% but because I'm aware of what's happening and "thoughts make your emotions", I an learning to change my thoughts and accept them. They're not always true, they could be frightening but it's okay.