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Girls Can You Help Me?

for 12 år siden 0 542 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
The pain before my period and during I dont worry too much about that is normal, but this continued after my monthly was over and even worse, I am hoping its all nerves, how in the world can I deal with cancer with panic disorder? I am afraid I would just crumble, I wish I had never looked up the symptoms of ovarian cancer, can you believe heartburn, gas and burping are signs of it?? that floored me I thought everyone had those symptoms, the pain in my lower stomach is what is really bother me through, its scaring me, I hope its just IBS or stress, today has been a bad day, I posted about it on another forum, my son was in danger and I fell apart, he is fine through, thank God, I am SO happy he has NOT inherited this condition from me, so glad.

I could not log on last night my computer kept booting me off or I would of wrote sooner, I am sorry. I wish I knew what to do and where to go to feel better, I cannot let stress situations set me back like this, but when its you're kids that is so hard as you probably all know. I know Carmie and Sunny are praying for me, thank you, I need prayer now, did anyone ever have severe lower stomach pain from anxiety?? the chest pain I know is stress related but I am worried about the stomach pain and my primary cannot see me for over a week, I guess I just need reassurance, I am sorry to bother everyone I must be a real drag.
for 12 år siden 0 28 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hi Deborah,
Yes, I used to have really horrific pain, usually around ovulation but it would also be bad just a few days before my period and by around the 2nd day of period would subside.  My doctor suggested that it could either be endometriosis or ovarian cysts.  He said I could make an appointment to have the laporoscopy which involves making a small incision near the belly button where they put this device up to see exactly what is going on.  If they do find any kind of fibrous material (ovarian cysts, endometriosis), they could even remove it at the same time.  It would have been an outpatient visit.  I wasn't really thrilled about having surgery and having someone cut into my stomach.  The doctor then suggested a low dose birth control pill.  I was in my early 40's at the time so I expressed concerns with my age.  It had been several years since I had went off the pill and it was after I went off them that this pain started.  The doctor told me that he had patients in their early 50's on the low dose and they were doing fine.  I agreed to just go with the pill to avoid the surgery.  It does sound as if this could be the case with you and if so, there is treatment for them.  The surgery that was recommended to me just removes the fibrous material, but sometimes they can possibly come back.  Any kind of prescription hormonal treatment (whether birth control pill or those used for menopause) would shrink down the fibrous material but then there is the risk you always have with taking synthetic hormonal pills.  Now you can see the reason I chose to stay on the pill even knowing there was a risk even with low dose.  Now at the age of 50, I just had so many concerns with being on this narcotic pain medication for my pain for over 7 months, plus not being able to stay active and keep myself fit cardiovascular, I just had concerns of continuing on with taking them.  I went off them hoping I would no longer have the pain and hoping the fibrous material would have just shrunk away never to return.
Another thing that I have read up on since having all of these issues with having a herniated disc is the coccyx bone (tailbone).  That is the area where women who have serious painful periods or PMS have alot of the pain.  Before I went on the pill, I would have this excruciating pain radiating down my lower back in my tailbone area.  Since I got my period today, I am dealing with pain in my coccyx again so I think I will be putting my Flector patches on tonight.  Those are prescription NSAID pads my doctor prescribed to me when I asked what else I could have for the breakthrough pain for having to return back to work.  I don't wear them alot and only at night as I don't like having an NSAID in my bloodstream during the day same time as my pain med.  Doesn't matter if it is on my skin being absorbed in low dosages.....still don't like having too much in my system.
OK, hope this gives you some insight.  I think if you can make it to this female doctor who can do the exam and listen to what you are going through, you will get some answers.  It does sound like it could be fibrous material that tends to attach itself to the outside of the ovaries and fallopian tubes.  I don't know if there are other treatments nowadays since I went on the pill years ago and didn't even think to ask my OB-GYN a coupla weeks ago.  I guess because my concerns at the time was my hormonal imbalance and trying to get treated for that.  Take care and I do hope you are able to get some rest tonight and the pain will subside some.
for 12 år siden 0 1665 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hi D:  yes, I have had that pelvic pain which radiates to the back.  Sometimes it went down the back of my leg too.  Doctor told me some women have this sometimes when they have their period.  Seems the nerve endings are more sensitive at that time.  No problem about it. 
I'm so glad you will have a female doctor!  

for 12 år siden 0 542 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hi Donna,

I really like reading you're letter, it sounds like you have been there and know what is happening, just reading you are getting through it somehow helped, thank you. Yes you are correct I had this condition four years ago and it kind of went away somewhat, I was "almost normal" for a few years, when peri started it all came back with a vengence, I read that can happen.

I do not have the nightsweats yet, but I am sure they will come. I wanted to ask you did you ever have "ovarian pain" like real lower stomach pain near you're pelvic region that radiated to you're back?? I had it before my period and during and I expect that but its been over four days and I am still in pain and I do not think that is normal, did you ever have ovarian pain at other times other than you're period and ovulation?? I am SO scared of ovarian cancer I can barely function, that is what is probably stopping me from a GYN I am afraid to hear the "bad news" because I know I will have a nervous breakdown and my husband would probably leave me, he could never cope with cancer, he cant cope with panic, he would just give up!

And I know I should not be thinking this way. If the pain would go away I know I would feel better, I expected the mood swings, depression, anxiety, panic and eventually the nightsweats what I did not expect was the scary pain in my ovaries, the pain is not that intense or horrible, I think its more scary than painful, does that make sense? Scared of what is causing it.

My husband does not accompany me to the Doctor, in fact he drops me at the door, I wish I had a good woman friend to go with me but I do not, my Aunt is wonderful too me but she lives 1500 miles away, how I wish I live near her, she is my Godsent and my safe person, she is very much of our lord and has helped me, but so far away, my husband just wants me to "ignore the symptoms and go on" and I am really trying too do that. Please write me back when you can I am curious to know if you ever had bad pelvic pain when not expected. I hope I can get through this without losing my family or sanity, thank you for praying for me, I so appreciate it, I need prayer since Doctors and therapist and meds have not worked. thank you.
for 12 år siden 0 28 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hi Deborah,
Yes, this change of life for us women is no fun.  Actually all of the symptoms I am having are consistant with perimenopause.  They tend to start in that phase and can get worse even to last over once in full menopause.  It's different with each woman.  The use of BCP for so long just delayed the onset.  About a coupla years ago I started noticing some mild night sweats occasionally so figured I was getting close.  Figured that with being so active (have read this and doctor confirmed) that my symptoms are milder due to the exercise.  When I came of my BCP back in Nov. I was hit hard with all kinds of the symptoms and after reading online it seemed I was in peri.  Doctor is the one who said according to tests I was in full blown meno. but I have been suffering what I should have already been going through, but it was delayed due to the BCP and active lifestyle.  Now going off the pill and being inactive since herniating my disc last year in Feb., I lost the things that were keeping things calmed down.  I went ahead with the ultra low dose pill doctor prescribed but after 2 visits in the ER this month (1st stayed overnight in cardio unit), I went off them with concerns over my heart.  Nothing wrong with my heart, both visits I was diagnosed with stress/anxiety.  They did all kinds of tests while I was in the hosp. and a nice bill to follow that.  Here it is 5 days after I stopped the pill and got a surprise today, but a woman can still have a period and not be ovulating based on what I've read online.  It's pretty bad too, cramping seems like it's the worst I've ever experienced.  Maybe because of not having one in 3 months.  Had to call in sick and I hate that as I've already been warned by my manager but she knows I'm in menopause and I told her that the cramping is just way too bad to come in.  It's been hard enough struggling coming in since 1st of year dealing with this chronic pain from my failed back surgery plus anxiety.  Would think the fact that I'm trying my best would count for effort to them.  I would like to see any other of the women in my dept. try to do what I've done and force themselves to come back while enduring what I've endured.  That saying that people will never understand unless they ever have to experience what another has is so very true.
I was reading your other posts about the struggles with your husband trying to deal with what you are going through.  The fact that you had anxiety prior to going through peri. could be this is what triggered the anxiety.  Alot I've read from others who've had anxiety in the past, then would have have some sort of serious medical issue happen in their life would trigger the anxiety to return.  Also, anxiety is one of the many symptoms of perimenopause or menopause.  Is there any way your husband could attend therapy with you or is it just individual sessions only?  Maybe if he could go, that would help.  I agree with you trying to find a female therapist considering your peri.  I just can't see how any male therapist could understand what we women go through with this change.  That is why I specifically chose a female therapist and I told her that was the reason for it.  May even be best to hold off in asking if your husband can go (if he is willing) until you do get with a female therapist so if he does go, you have someone there with you who can explain to him the challenges you are facing.
I know you have had a tough weekend and will be praying for you.  The things us women have to go through, right?
for 12 år siden 0 542 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hi Donna,

Thank you for taking the time too write me and welcome to this site, everyone here is wonderful members and moderators.

I see you understand about the "change of life" in a way perhaps its good you skipped perimenopause, its not fun and I know its brought back my condition, or has not helped it I am just trying to get through it, I do not have the hot flashes yet but just about every thing else! I am scared of hormones too I know what you mean, I do not lack estrogen I think, I think the skipped periods and fear are whats scaring me the most, I have agorophobia so I have not been too a GYN either lately, hoping too one day go, I almost wish for the day when my periods stop at least it would be over and done with without all these symptoms.

I read you're other post I think its great that you work, you are brave and that you see a therapist, I am seeing a male therapist and looking for a woman. I use to run too the doctor all the time now I dont  it really did not help. I am going to work the CBT harder and try my best too push these negative thoughts are sickness and death away, I know if I could do that I would be on the road to recovery. thank you for writing me Donna, I hope we both feel better very very soon.
for 12 år siden 0 28 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hi Deborah,
I am new to the forum so please forgive me if you have posted anything on this issue in other discussions and anything I suggest is something you've posted about.  I can certainly empathize with what you are going through except I'm in full menopause.  I skipped by perimenopause from being on birth control for so long for my fibroids and being on them for so many years can delay the onset of menopause.  I went off them 3 months ago due to concerns with all of the meds. I was on, plus concerns of my age and risks even though they were a low dose.  I had no idea, and my doctor never warned me, what taking synthetic hormones for a long period would do to my body and I was catapulted into an extreme roller coaster ride with hot flashes/chills, night sweats (had to change PJs regularly), mood swings, crying for silly things, anxiety.  Because of chronic pain from a failed back surgery last year, I was not physically able to get to my OB-GYN for my exam last year.  I started googling looking for solutions.  A girl at my church told me she used yam cream and said it worked but only temporarily.  I searched some more and read that yam cream is not the best.  Found one website that sells a progesterine cream called Natpro.  Was able to get it at a discounted price just for answering some online questions so decided to order and give it a try.  I did see an improvement in the hot flashes and night sweats but the anxiety would still come and go.  I still didn't even know which of my hormones were out of balance.  Finally got to OB-GYN this month and was told I was in full menopause.  All this time I thought it was just perimenopause.  I've not had a period since 1st of Nov. last year but had some light spotting a coupla weeks ago.  I was told I'm no longer ovulating and my estrogen is only 41 (over 100 is normal).  Doctor said he could put me on an ultra low dose of BCP and I questioned the safety.  Of course they will tell you it is safe when taking any BCP is a risk.  I didn't want to go back but with my anxiety getting worse and now back at work, I wanted something short term to get me through this hump until I can get my anxiety level down.  My job is at stake so I'm just trying to do whatever I can do to keep from losing it.  Hoping if I can get off pain meds. completely at least one less presc. med. to be taking.
Have you tried any of the natural products out there?  I know there are some like Black Cohosh or Macafem but you still may want to research or ask your doctor, especially when taking any prescription drugs.  Even these natural remedies can interract with meds.  Have you had your hormonal levels checked to see which you are off on?  I even asked my doctor about the progesterone cream I was using and if any validity to that.  He said he's heard many women who take it and it works for them.  There is supposed to be a prescription estrogen cream also.  I just started earlier this month getting into aromatherapy, so maybe this is an option for helping with anxiety.  Lavender oil has a calming effect.  I have to soak in epsom or dead sea salt for my pain anyway so I just add the lavender oil (just a few drops as it is strong), put the laptop on the counter to play some relaxing music and soak for 20 minutes.  On the weekends I will treat myself and do a mineral milk bath just to pamper myself.  Perhaps this could help with the cramps but I'm not sure.
While it is good to keep the CBT in mind for your anxiety, keep in mind that you have a hormonal imbalance going on in your body that happens to all women, just at different degrees and ages.  That has nothing to do with thought processes.  We women cannot stop this natural process of menopause so while CBT is good for the anxiety, it is best to find ways to help alleviate the symptoms of your hormonal imbalance.  I read somewhere that soy products are good but don't know the validity of that.  The internet can be a wealth of knowledge but some things read have to be read with a grain of salt.  There is a website I found titled something like 35 menopause symptoms that may be helpful.
OK, from one who feels what you are going through, I understand and hope you are able to find something to help with the pain.
for 12 år siden 0 542 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Yes Carmie I so want life to be good again. You are doing so well and I am so happy! You and all the others on this site inspire me, I just want to get well too.
for 12 år siden 0 373 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
It sounds like you had a very good plan.  And it won't be permanent - I can tell that you have it inside of you to change. 
There may be good periods (hate to use that term) and bad ones, but the road is to being well again.  And if you're like me, life will be even better than before because of knowing so much more!
for 12 år siden 0 542 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Thank you so much Carmie. That is exactly what I am going to do right now, I am very very tired, I can barely keep my eyes open, crying does that I guess. Its 2:00am and I am going to take a hot shower and say a rosary and just go too bed. I understand about not having the energy to practice right now, its been a horrific week, but like you said in you're other post "its not permanent" I am gonna hold on too that wonderful positive thought! I have a "white noise machine" it plays wind, rain, showers etc....I will turn that on and breathe. Thank you for praying for me and you're support Carmie, thank you so much.

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