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Bad Dreams

for 12 år siden 0 270 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0

Some great insights about positive and negative thinking with relation to dreams!


Pain in the arm could have multiple causes;  I suggest you see your doctor to clear up what's going on. Please let us know how it goes.

for 12 år siden 0 542 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
That was a very good description of anxiety Hugs, like a tunnel you have too go through, and you are so right its NOT painless or easy. I feel very disorienated today, kind of dizzy like a "wired-tired" feeling, I had a bad night as you know and I am trying to plan New Years and that always causes some stress, it was like for a few days I had symptoms of headaches and now its more in the arm and chest! Trying not too dwell and hoping it will pass. I probably need a nap, but I hate "retreating" too bed, my therapist says its an "escape" and my husband does NOT like it, but sleep is about the only thing that calms and helps now.

I have to learn somehow Hugs how to "float" and not fight, because that is as exhausting and anxious as having the attack all most. Doing the box breathing as Sunny suggested and writing Positive things in my journal as Davit said. Hoping as evening comes and I take my pill and eat a little something things will be better, right now trying to float and that is hard for me.
for 12 år siden 0 4027 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
My mantra is "anxiety is like a tunnel, just go through it and you'll come out the other side".  The bad news is that it's not easy or painless and we become more resilient with continued acceptance of the whole process.
The trick is not to get sucked into the panic cycle, where our symptoms get magnified by out thoughts.
Posting here helps the journey, but doesn't change the need to go through the process for any of us, since fear has a value in our lives, but we tend to magnify to our detriment
for 12 år siden 0 542 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
After about a week of normal dreaming it came back last night and this morning, I woke up from a very bad dream again with those horrible body symptoms, heart rate racing, pain in the chest and arm, shaky and queasy. You would think that after a half hour or so I would feel alright but that is not happening, the symptoms are still here I want so much too put the nightmares behind me and have a good day, the pain in the arm is bothering me and scaring me and that went away for awhile, there was a time when I would have a bad dream or nightmare and wake up "relieved" it was only a dream and I was safe and secure in my bed, now it bothers me for hours, the symptoms linger and even the breathing only takes the edge off. I do not watch anything scary or disturbing before bed and usually go too sleep in prayer and the most peace I feel all day, its almost like I am "living" the dream its so real. I am hoping these body symptoms go away, I do not want too have an attack and I do NOT want it to ruin the day, does anyone else have dreams like this wake up and feel terrible? and how do they "come down" from them and feel alright again? I wish I could figure out why I am having them, I guess my brain is always on!
for 12 år siden 0 542 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Thank you Carmie and Hugs,

My dreams were alright last night, kind of strange but not really scary, I slept an extra hour and I think that helped me.

I have been having pains in my left arm and chest today!? and I am trying NOT to think heart attack or something equally as scary, as I mentioned my son has something coming up this week that is causing me much anxiety and fear and it has to happen so I hope and pray I do not have a set-back, I am very worried about him and I think its causing the symptoms, when a situation comes up that I fear I always have bodily symptoms, but the left arm pain scares me, I am just trying to tell myself its muscle tension, as Sunny and all you have explained, its rainy so maybe that is what is causing it, if I can get through this week I will be alright once my son is safe and sound and this passes, but I have to maintain control and calmness till its over, I will explain about it later. Thank you for you're advice and prayers I so appreciate it and am very grateful.

How do the other members get through a stressful time when something is going to happen that you just KNOW will cause anxiety, its hard especially during recovery, a set-back before Christmas is not something I want, and how I hate chest and arm discomfort, does anyone else get that, arm and chest pain when worried about something? Thank you all so much.
for 12 år siden 0 373 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
I remember not long ago having had a night of bad dreams and feeling so frightened the next morning.  All of you were a wonderful support that day.  It makes me happy to think about how much progress I've made since that particular bad day. 
Deborah, it's nice to read about how you enjoyed looking at the old photos before bedtime.  I've struggled with gift ideas for family members who seemingly have everything - I think I am going to make some mini bedtime photobooks for them!
I hope that you will have a peaceful week - and you too, Hugs! 
for 12 år siden 0 4027 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
I returned to relaxation techniques tonight with dreams of people I dislike, but I slept deeply, waking up one hour earlier.  I pray like yourself, before bed, but sometimes prayer or meditation can become rushed or routine, so I might need a retreat to refresh myself.
The thing about prayer is that it is  a relection of our lives.  I wonder if dreaming is a form of prayer?
I grind my teeth, and can feel the headaches when I wake.  I need to use a mouthguard or I'll wear down my teeth too.
for 12 år siden 0 542 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Thanks Davit that was a good suggestion. I looked at photo's of my childhood and that helped, even through I miss my parents deeply it brought back good memories. I watched White Christmas tonight on television and that was a feel good movie, seeing the pretty snow was calming, I wish it would snow here, but that would be a miracle! I hope it at least gets cold for Christmas, the cold weather will help me calm down and not so depressed. Its rainy windy and damp now, not December weather.

I think the root of my nerves being so bad this week is because of a situation concerning my son that is happening later in the week that is making me fearful and nervous, I won't write about it now, because I might get upset but its really hovering over me and I know I have to face it and I think its bringing up panicky feelings again. I will write about it in a few days, but not before bedtime, I just hope and pray it all turns out for the best. Going to go too sleep soon with thoughts of snow and lights and cold weather and Christmas memories! I hope you're bad dream does NOT come back for you. Here is hoping for calm sleep for all!
for 12 år siden 0 6252 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0

I have a persistent dream that shows up about every six months. It always has the same theme even though it is always slightly different. Scary too since I dream in colour and even some times have smell. But they never have sound even if people talk in them. 
Last used first opened. Have you tried looking at a photo album and thinking about pleasant times before bed? Warning though. Can you do this without missing those times? Missing those times will make the experience negative. Can you just think of how good it was and how good it was to have lived it? To help you, you could post one of your pleasant memories here each evening. That way you go to bed with a positive thought. Positive breeds positive remember. Even just writing it on your computer and not sending it will help. 

for 12 år siden 0 542 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Thank you Josie and Davit,

I guess the subconscious mind is powerful! My dreams seem to always have a similar tone, I am "struggling" or "trying to find something or someone" or concerns hospitals or doctors and illness {yes which I fear} and losing someone I love, even if I dont think those things they must be in my brain somewhere to come out like that. I have to find a way NOT to let them ruin the day and not get so shaky from them, they are so real and I wake exhausted like I am actually living them, I will try to visalize and that may help, and saying a quick prayer when they happen helps too. How I would love to have some soothing dreams about past good memories of my youth and my parents, as Hugs says I will think of them as "purging" them out of my mind and body.

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