Thanks for this description. its like 2nd hand smoke, you breathe it in even if you don't wnat to, because you're in the same room with them.
and hey, one year at a family gathering i put my foot down and said, could you smoke outside so we don't have to breathe that in? and the next family gatherhing they had, i didn't get invited. no apology, no explanation, nothing.. so that behaviour tells me what they thought about my assetiveness. but hey i am glad i did and i would do it agian. thanks for reminding me of this!
i am not just co-dependent, i don't like labels but i do like having a way to understand something so its a double edged sword.
i like to say i have co-dependent tendancies. sometimmes i am assertive. sometimes i am not. since starting the program i've been assertive a bit more than before and see that continuing. i feel great about this. this site has been life changing.
because i wan'st busy being anxious or upset and ruminating after the negativity talk on monday i had time / space to think about it from a non anxious angle for once. why did that happen? i was in a room of about 10 adults and we had been conversing together all afternoon but as soon as i expressed there was something i was struggling with, they pounced on me and the room was a flurry of negative statements all of a sudden. all directed at me. no wonder i used to go home nad have panic attacks when i thought about these afterwards.
i have been trying to purge the negativity i've absorbed the only way i knew how - through panic..
then i thought about it. no one else had admitted to having a problem with anyting that day. the game we were playing was "we're all perfect and life is perfect all of the time". no one else said "ugh, i've had such a bad week at work" or whatever. the rest of the day was mostly people talking about tv shows etc. just impersonal stuff.
so then, me not knowing the game we were playing, i said something authentic. i have a problem, so what? everyone has problems. thats life. but i got pounced on. because "i struggle with things" isn't part of the game with that particular group of people.
which is only played by people who are projecting their false self. we all struggle with things form time to time. its part of being alive.
so instead of ruminating and feeling upset that they didn't understand me, i was able to have these insights. and conclude that i didn't do anything wrong. i admitted i was human. how dare i! :)
thanks for your replies. they were really helpful. i'll be more mindful of the second hand anxiety and second hand smoke!
the idea of people in social settings playing games is not mine. i read it somewhere. ican find the reference if people are interested. it was a fascinating article by a pyschologist or sociologist talking about social relations and there being rules to the games in conversations and penalties for not playing properly.