Yes I find this too. There are certain activies that I find completely absorbing where I can forget about my anxiety even for just a little while. Drawing / designing / photography and doing other creative things certainly is one of them. Not sure if there is any science behind this or if its just one of those things - but anything that helps!
I find that playing my guitar helps. I read somewhere that you should try and find some new hobbies to increase activity (as anxiety can take over your life) to keep depression away. I have always wanted to play the guitar so I bought one before Christmas and have been learning ever since.
Be interested if there is anything else other people enjoy doing that helps them forget about there anxiety.
Ok this might sound a bit infantile but i have discovered that drawing or coloring really helps me relax. Drawing is more effort and i don't always feel like it. But when i feel creative it is really nice :) As for coloring , well that is all around Kiddie fun and wonder! I have lots of fun with my big crayola markers and my coloring books. It seems that just the fact of playing with bright colors does something to my brain. As i watch the white dissapear from the coloring page i just feel lighter and better i cannot explain it! It might not work for everyone and might even get me ridiculed to post this but i thought i would share it with you all in case it might help you relax too lol Anyway, have fun trying it!