Thanks for checking out on me. I spent the weekend at my son's. No alcool. Starting my 9th day today. I already sleep SO MUCH BETTER. I can sleep an entire night. The first 5 days were rough, I just could not fall asleep but I think this stage is over.
It is like, I just do not want to drink wine anymore. I did my one hour of physical activity every day. I think it really helps me.
I think also that minding myself for a few weeks by setting a date when I would stop, making plan b, etc. was the key for me. I also had a good motivation, getting my daughter back. She still does not talk to me but she is on the messenger family group and I am hopefull.
I am very happy. I had planned to stop September 1st and I am starting my fifth day today.
I tought the cravings would be worst, going from 2 liters of wine per day for so many years to nothing. When I start having cravings, I have a few non alcoolic beers and write in my journal. I also eat my meals earlier.
I have put many fluo orange post it in my kitchen to remind me why I stop. I wrote FREEDOM on them because I want to free myself from alcool.
My three children have started a group on Messenger where I keep them inform of my progress. They are very encouraging. I have also started doing one hour of exercise per day.
I am very encouraged that this time it will works.
Hope you had a good time. The key is to see how we are always led back to alcohol. Be it after a week or month or even years. If we dont stay connected the un-manageability of life creeps back in and we turn to alcohol. The chapter more about alcoholism talks about the "state of the mind" being the crux of the problem. The use the term "peculiar mental twist" in several parts of the book, how the mind tricks us into believing this time its going to be different.
You can read them online until you get a hard-copy. I would say start with the chapter "More about alcoholism" and then the chapter "There is a Solution".