Thank you TS , Dave and Lynn
Everything you all have said is so true and put so well .
i completely understand the let sleeping dogs lie term as I had done that omgosh so many times that i cannot even count ! hoping that nothing happened etc....feels good right now that I do not wake up to that feeling . I guess i am not jsut trying to work through my self pity, anger and resentments. I have also come to realize i am passive aggressive and hide from confrontation and always hid through alcohol and thats where all that stuff i have been hiding would come out sometimes explosive.
its a journey for sure . Congrats everyone on your journeys and willing and work to change . I feel that wanting to be sober or cut down is a form of self love ...something i am also working on and haven't had for 21 years
TS,Dave and Lynn :) wishing you a great day filled with strength and love .
Hi all
Today is one month of no alcohol. I am a binge drinker so I can go for days without drinking and then have one drink and boom make up for lost time. Thats what happened one month ago. I went all out to black out drunk and woke up to some really embarrassing news about what i had done drunk. being angry mean self destructive...the whole nine!
i am dealing still with the events of my last binge but at least i am sober and not adding on to my issues...because God knows that if I were to drink I will be drinking to forget about the last events and all other events . I came on here on June 8 or 9 full of shame and feeling low....I do still feel all of those but I am at least a bit more clear in the brain to deal with them. I was at my familys house yesterday and was offered alcohol ...I wanted to drink, I was angry that i couldnt because I have a problem. I was angry why ...why do i have a problem and not good for me to drink. But today I accept and realize that that is just my path in life and am grateful i declined the drink regardless of my self pity.
Thank you everyone for all yur posts they always help me, and thank you for the replies. This site is so great and I wish everyone strength and love especially for ourselves in our journeys.