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Can medication help that much?

for 19 år siden 0 15 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
I worried a lot about medication too, but the panic attacks I had about 3-4 years ago really interfered with my daily life. I went through so much stress at the time that I just had to take something to calm me down. My thoughts would be racing and I couldn't really think straight. The first medication I tried was Lexapro, which made me feel dizzy and that made me panic right there. Otherwise it didn't do much for me. The second medication I tried was Prozac, and even the lowest dosage of 5mg was just amazing. I got these racing thoughts under control within a day or two. My brain without Prozac was like a badly tuned radio where I had all sorts of noises and cross-talk and I couldn't really concentrate on a single thought. On Prozac my thoughts are fine-tuned and the cross-talk is gone. I can concentrate on my thoughts and actually reason without fearful thoughts taking over. It puts me in control of my own thoughts again. That's how I would describe it. But it is so important that you find the medication that works for you!! I think there are times in almost everybody's life where we need some help - either from alcohol or drugs or medication. We shouldn't feel ashamed about it. But be careful nonetheless.
for 19 år siden 0 9 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hi guys, I have had 2 experiences with panic -- the first time was 3 years ago and they lasted for several months, and the second time is now, and it's been happening for a little over a month. So 3 years ago, I was getting BAD panic attacks. I was living away from home on a 4 month work-term. For a couple of months, I didn't know what to do and I could barely get through each day. I wasn't suicidal but I didn't see the point of living since life really sucked -- each minute was SO hard to get through, especially at work!!! So finally, I heard that panic attacks can actually be caused by, or they can actually cause, a chemical imbalance in your brain (with your levels of seratonin). Since I had scheduled a visit home, I decided that I would go to my family doctor who knows me, and who doesn't easily give out medication (like some doctors who medicate you for everything). I prayed that if God wanted me to go on medication, that the doctor would give it to me, and that if not, that he'd say I don't need medication (which I could see him doing). I described my symptoms to him, and he explained the same thing to me that I'd heard -- that seratonin is the chemical in your body that controls your stress levels, and if a really stressful situation happens in your life, it can cause a chemical imbalance in your brain. So he said he would put me on Paxil to help restore these levels. It helped SOOOOOOOOO much and I am SO glad that I went on it. It did take several weeks to kick in. Just knowing that the Paxil would eventually help me, gave me hope and helped me get through the days without feeling so depressed like "will I ever be better". I did go through worries though, but after talking to people, I found REALLY good answers, and I will share them with you -- hopefully they help you! One worry was that I was "crazy" or whatever for needing to be on this medication. But since it's a physical thing (in your brain), then there's nothing wrong with taking medication for it -- if you had pneumonia, you wouldn't hesitate to take medication to heal yourself, so it's no different. My other big worry was "what if I have to be on this for the rest of my life?!?". My friend said that just because it's for anxiety, it doesn't matter -- tons of people need g
for 19 år siden 0 11 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
I was taking Zoloft for about 3 weeks.I didnt have hardly any side effects except made me eat alot and really nervous.I took Xanax to calm me down.I was just switched this Monday to Welburtin Xl and Klonopin. They both seem to be working well.Just headaches and thats all.
for 19 år siden 0 13 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Zoloft did not make me feel dull. My reactions are just more normal. But I had tried two other medications that did make me feel this way. Imimpremine made me feel like I was on speed. I was manic during the day, without panic, but crashed at 8:00 pm every night. But that doesn€™t mean that you will have the same reaction. Everyone€™s body chemistry is different. A good physician will start you out slowly with it and monitor how you are feeling. Now that I have been taking the Zoloft I wonder why I waited so long to start. I have not had any side affect from the Zoloft. I was also the kind of person that was against medication. I was into the natural remedies. But as I discovered the long and hard way sometimes medication is needed.
for 19 år siden 0 13 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
I have also been taking Zoloft for about five years. It makes me feel normal.
for 19 år siden 0 74 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
By the way I have been taking Zoloft since Sept of 2004.
for 19 år siden 0 74 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
I have had anxiety for as long as I can remember. I once was agoraphobic-I would only go to work, school and home. I wouldn't even go to the store without someone going with me. Even then I wouldn't take medication. I did find a wonderful counselor who got me through that time. Fast forward several years. I had (have) a wonderful husband and 2 great kids. My hubby had surgery-not major-and complications. I ended up having panic attacks so bad I went to the ER 3 times (this was after my hubby was fine.) I decided to break down and try the medication. I am so glad I did. I am still me!! I too have control issues. I rarely drink alcohol, have never been drunk and never will-because I can not stand the thought of not being in complete control of myself. I take Zoloft-75 mg a day. What I tell my family is that it helps control the physical symptoms that seem to escalate the panic for me. I still have to learn to trust in God (I am a Christian.) I still have worries--but with the medication it's a little easier to distract myself. My heart doesn't start racing in the middle of the night so easily as it did. I have even started having an attack at night and been able to get through it without taking my "rescue" medication. I take Klonopin when i have a bad attack. It decreases or eliminates the attack I am having. With the Zoloft, I am in complete control. I am still myself but a less stressful me. However, I will say when I was on 100 mg I wasn't able to cry. The medication was just too strong. The Klonopin is a little different. Most "rescue" medications (my name for the medication a dr. gives people to take when they are having a panic attack--I believe that most of them are sedatives--some are stronger than others--Klonopin is mild.) seem to make people tired in my experience. To a certain extent I do not have the same control in the sense that it can make me so tired, I really need to sleep. I have only needed it in the middle of the night however, so that has actually been a blessing. I am very glad I decided to take the plunge into using medication.
for 19 år siden 0 59 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hey guys just wanted to let you know ive been taking Zoloft for about 5 weeks took me 2 days to get game enough to take the first one i was petrified something would happen but here i am to tell the tale.I was having approx 5 to 6 panic attacks a day and high levels of anxiety but since being on meds i have had 3 panics in the last week and 1 the week before, i still have high anxiety levels so my doc has uped the dose from 50 to 100mg.When i first started meds i had lots of side affects but they only lasted bit over a week. Had heaps of headaches nausea grinding teeth and yawning to name a few.I still feel like me and i still get into a state if i fear something bad but i feel i cope better on meds.Hope this helps. Goodluck.
for 19 år siden 0 90 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Blood clots? I was thinking leukemia! I too am in a battle right now whether to try a medication and have the exact fears of mental clarity as you do. You can research the medications on the "official websites" all you want. But people testaments are much more reliable. Even though everyone reacts differently, I have a hard time trusting which reactions is the label over dramatizing and which ones they are down playing. Anyone??
for 19 år siden 0 41 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Yes yes please anyone who has meds experience, share your perspective on this. Whether to try meds is also my biggest issue right now - it's so tempting on bad days to run to the doctor and get medicated, but as someone who needs to be in constant control and who deeply fears losing my mental clarity, meds scare me almost as much as the anxiety attacks. I fear they will make me dull, or foggy, or just not really "myself" anymore. Is this how they make you feel better? Or do you feel like exactly the same person but your reactions are more normal (like the no-problem bruise situation? I also freak out about leg bruises - blod clots anyone?).

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