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Medlemsgruppe depression

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for 20 år siden 0 154 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Pamela Thanks for the good advice. Kitcat has been saying the same thing.My question is if your not thinking about your problems is that the same thing as running away from them or avoiding them?
for 20 år siden 0 183 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
it really didn't take that long before I began to notice a difference. it pretty much immediately made my anxiety level go down, because it's impossible to be anxious and panic when you're thinking happy thoughts. The struggle to not think negatively took several days. A couple of times I had to actually get angry with myself and I said I'm not thinking about those things anymore!Over a period of a couple of weeks the positive began to take over and throughout the day I would realize I hadn't had any negative thoughts at all. Of course at that time I would start to and have to do the whole good versus evil battle. But it didn't take to long before my mind settled down and went back to normal, when I say normal I mean just very quiet I can think about nothing now. My mind doesn't have to be racing and thinking about something all of the time anymore. I still have periods of time where I feel like I'm having a setback. I just had one last weekend, and I had to fight the negative thoughts again for about 3 days. I just imagined a big red stop sign everytime I began to think of something that made me feel anxy and on the verge of freaking out. I am currently taking 100mgs of zoloft. For awhile I took half of .25mgs of klonopin each night before bed, but haven't felt the need to do that in about 2 months. Just remember you control what you put into your brain. Allow it to make you feel better. When you have a negative or anxious thought ask yourself, Is this thouhgt even valid? It probably isn't, so replace that thought with a positive , compassionate one, remember you choose your thoughts.
for 20 år siden 0 154 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Pamela How long did it take for the thought substution to work for you? Do you still feel yourself slipping into negative obsessive thought patterns?Do you take any kind of medications?
for 20 år siden 0 183 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
runner, yes there are different levels of anxiety, I am getting pretty good because of therapy at controlling mine, but not to long ago before I realized that I was the one doing it to myself, I would just go with it because I thought I couldn't stop it. Before I knew it I was having crazy obessessive thoughts I was depressed, couldn't be left alone was scared of everything. I could look at a house while driving down the road and start to panic because the house didn't look right. Or be in a store or resturant and because the lights were casting a shadow on a wall I would panic. Really crazy things, but that's because my level was really high. Now that I understand what I have and where it came from I'm not as frightened by it, so my level never goes to far anymore. Replacing the negative with the positive is exactly what your supposed to do and no matter how much your mind wants to keep popping over to the bad stuff you can't let it. It's almost like a battle against good and evil going on in your brain. After awhile though the positive will begin to take over and it won't be something you have to consiciously think about. When my negative thoughts were really bad I spent alot of time thinking about when my children were born. I would actually place myself back in that delivery room and see their little perfect faces again and remember how they smelled and how excited everyone was. The births of my kids were probably my happiest moments, so I always felt better when I would think about that. I also would think about when I was a teenager and some of the really awesome summer nights I had. First boyfriend, first kiss, going to the drive-in whatever made me feel happy. Give it a try and see if it helps. Just remember at first it takes alot of effort to keep your mind on the good thoughts but all of your effort will pay off.
for 20 år siden 0 154 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Pamela Have you ever noticed their are levels of anxiety. Its lie we are confortable with some level of worry. Just like a bad habit. I am finding that replacing adiffferant thought helps lower the anxiety. How ever I still want to come back to that negative thought.do you or anyone else experiance the same thing?
for 20 år siden 0 183 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
I am so happy for you and your wife. It sounds like the worse is behind you, and each day things will get better and better. Keep working on thinking positive and refuse to let worry and guilt get you down. Things happen in life and like you said that is what extended leave is for. Take this opportunity to not only help your wife to get well, but use it to get yourself well. Count your blessings everyday, and focus on them and soon you will feel so much better.
for 20 år siden 0 154 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
My wifes pet scan went well. The cancer is gone. Now she juet has to get chemo treatments. She has to get 4to 6 treatments. The doctor has to insert A port in her vein to put the chemicals in. She will lose her hair so she is wig shopping. She has a 92% chance of the cancer not comming back if she follows the treatment plan. I am still down about not working but that is what extended leave is for .I still get 70% of my pay for up to90 days . I am working to releive this non working guilt however .Drop me a line.
for 20 år siden 0 183 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
runner, let us know how things go on tuesday at the doctor and try to stop feeling guilty. You can't be everything for everyone and work full time teaching unruly children. That is one of the most common personality traits amongst anxiety and panic sufferers, PERFECTIONISM. It's impossible to be perfect so don't even stress yourself out by trying. I'm in Maryland not far from Washington. DC
for 20 år siden 0 154 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
for 20 år siden 0 183 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
runner, I understand, when someone we love gets sick we would rather have it then to watch them suffer. You feel helpless in a situation like that and it's ok to feel that way, don't try to push your feelings down and ignore them. Acknowledge them and talk to others about them its very important that you give yourself alot of TLC during this time, so you can be a support for your wife over the next few months of treatment. I'll be praying for you and your family.

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