runner, yes there are different levels of anxiety, I am getting pretty good because of therapy at controlling mine, but not to long ago before I realized that I was the one doing it to myself, I would just go with it because I thought I couldn't stop it. Before I knew it I was having crazy obessessive thoughts I was depressed, couldn't be left alone was scared of everything. I could look at a house while driving down the road and start to panic because the house didn't look right. Or be in a store or resturant and because the lights were casting a shadow on a wall I would panic. Really crazy things, but that's because my level was really high. Now that I understand what I have and where it came from I'm not as frightened by it, so my level never goes to far anymore. Replacing the negative with the positive is exactly what your supposed to do and no matter how much your mind wants to keep popping over to the bad stuff you can't let it. It's almost like a battle against good and evil going on in your brain. After awhile though the positive will begin to take over and it won't be something you have to consiciously think about. When my negative thoughts were really bad I spent alot of time thinking about when my children were born. I would actually place myself back in that delivery room and see their little perfect faces again and remember how they smelled and how excited everyone was. The births of my kids were probably my happiest moments, so I always felt better when I would think about that. I also would think about when I was a teenager and some of the really awesome summer nights I had. First boyfriend, first kiss, going to the drive-in whatever made me feel happy. Give it a try and see if it helps. Just remember at first it takes alot of effort to keep your mind on the good thoughts but all of your effort will pay off.