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Medlemsgruppe depression

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for 20 år siden 0 154 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
I used to live in Beaver Falls Pennsylvania. It is about 25 miles from Pittsburgh.I will take your advise on the medication. I have not noticed any afte effects so far though. New Orleans where I live Is second in crime stats to wahington D.C. The news casters make A big deal about us not being last lie that makes a big differance. I always wondered about that.What do you think?You no anxiety sure takes the fun out of life.
for 20 år siden 0 183 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
runner, please be careful and don't play around with your meds to much. I made that mistake and had a setback. Some of the reason you are feeling better could be because your medication has finally began to work to it's full potential. I have never jogged, but I use to walk 4 miles a day, but my walking partner wasn't able to come with me anymore, so the gym is working out well for me now. Where in PA did you live? I have some relatives there. I live in the suburbs of D.C. I don't go up into the city that often because the traffic and crime is horrible, but I do go with my children on field trips to the museums. I guess we don't take advantage of living so close to the Nation's Capitol, but it's such a pain driving the beltway and trying to find a place to park. Hope you have a great day!
for 20 år siden 0 154 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Pamela I find exercise helps with my anxiety also. I reduced my Lexapro by 10 milligrams because I seem to be feeling better. It is not much but I will see what happens.Have you ever tried Jogging?Do you ever visit Washigton Dc.I used to live in Pennsylvania and would go to Washington to see the cherry blossoms.The beltway was not as heavily traveled back then.Crime is still very bad I have heard in that area to What city did you say you lived in?
for 20 år siden 0 183 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
runner, excercise really does help with anxiety. I recently joined a gym and try to go 3 or 4 times a week. I always feel so much better after I excercise. When I'm feeling anxious I also try to stay busy it seems I have to stay one step ahead of my mind and keep myself occupied,or I begin to dwell on to many things. That's great that you are going to be teaching summer school. Keep thinking positive and try not to let any negative thoughts creep in. I can tell by your posts that you are getting better, and I'm really happy for you.
for 20 år siden 0 154 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Pamela Thanks for the reply! Well my wife is feeling better. I am going to be teaching summer school. I have been exercising the therapist told me it is the best treatment for anxiety. So I go out and jog 4 days a week.What do you do to lift your anxiety?
for 20 år siden 0 183 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
runner, one down 3 to go! Glad to hear your wife was able to go to a concert I'm sure it took her mind off of everything. I'm not sure what neil sedaka sings, but I hope you both enjoyed yourselves. You can have the positive attitude too, if I can learn it anyone can. Hope things are still going well for you. Let me know.
for 20 år siden 0 154 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Pamela My wife had her first of 4chemo treatmentss. The whole treatment took 4 hours. They gave her some nausa medicine. She thru up when she got home. We went to a Neil Sedaka concert. WE will see how she feels on Saturday. I like your positive attitude. It really makes me feel better!
for 20 år siden 0 183 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hi runner, things are going quite well. I've been keeping myself busy with the kids, one of my boys turned 12 today, and with gardening. The weather here in maryland has been great, so I've been outside alot planting flowers. I hope things are going good for you. How's your wife feeling? I hope her treatment is not making her to ill.I fortunately, am able to keep the anxiety at bay most of the time now. I have mastered the ability to replace negative thoughts with positive ones. At least I think I have mastered it, I'd better knock on some wood! I never realized how often I think about thinks that I shouldn't. Somehow I was trained or trained myself at sometime or another to always think the worse about everything. I never even knew I was doing it until recently. Like for instance when I was pregnant with my children and people would look at me, I would think they are looking at me because I was huge and bloated and wobbled around. I would immediately become self conscious and not want to go out in public. Once I commented on it to my husband and he said why do you always assume the worse? Did you ever think maybe people are looking at you because you are glowing and beautiful? Or when I do something like decorating in my home or landscaping in my yard and people comment on it I automatically start apologizing for how bad it is and I start making excuses to explain why it looks the way it does and people are always saying to me things look great stop being so hard on yourself. Do you know I actually apologized to the doctors and nurses after I gave birth to my children because I wasn't the perfect patient and I actually yelled a few times during the deliveries. I recently began to remember these things and realized how negative and hard on myself I have always been. So now when I start thinking about how I'm not good enough and how I need to be so much better as a person, wife, mother, daughter, christian etc. I stop myself because when I'm constantly beating myself up that's what leads into the anxiety, which leads into the panic, obessessive thoughts and depression. But anyways I didn't mean to ramble on like that, I've just been figuring alot of things out lately and maybe you have some similar issues. Let me know how things are going, and how you've been
for 20 år siden 0 154 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Pam I have not heard from you in awhile .Everthing ok I hope I enjoy your comments. It takes my mind off my anxiety. What types of things do you do to distract yourself from panic.
for 20 år siden 0 154 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Callie One thing I have learned about going to church it takes your mind off your problems. one thing I have noticed is when i go to church on Sunday my whole day goes better.

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