Why are you eating in the first place? Boredom perhaps? What can you do about it?
As for eating junk food, you have a few options:
*Take it out of the house. Can't eat it if it's not there, right?
*Give yourself a junk food goal for the day or the week. Once you've reached it, that's it. It may be hard in the beginning but it's just getting into the habit. You can still eat, just don't eat junk.
* Increase your level of physical activity. If you hate the gym, find an activity that is fun and you can squeeze into your week. Ex: a dance class, a sport, even just a 10-20 minute walk a few times a week is an excellent start!
* Watch your portions and timing. Don't grab junk food when you're hungry because you're likely to eat more of it and almost all junk food is high in calories. You'll also be giving your body a huge rush of sugar, once the sugar levels drop, you'll be hungry again.
Hope this helps.
The SSC Support Team