I keep my activity tracker in my purse, instead of printing it I wrote it down on a little notebook I can just pull out and jot things down on...this way when I go into my purse looking for something if the notebook is there, I can just remember to write in it. Actually, just the action of managing to keep track of something, when I ussually don't feel motivated to do anything, has been making me feel a bit happier / better about myself these last few days.
(sorry I haven't been posted more just yet, this past week has been just very busy but I have been reading and following along with everyone...)
I have a question on session one.
What if you depression is in relation to bipolar disorder? I cant think of any one event that may have caused depression. There may have been many, but it was just all life, I guess. That make sense?
The more I think about it the more bipolar makes sense to me. I rejected it at first.