Getting out of bed hasnt been an issue. Its sleeping in too long that has. It may be the mirtazipine or just the fact that I dont have a will to go on some days.
Ive been on the meds for a while, im just getting back on to the dose that was working and giving it the time.
I tried to go off meds, cause I didnt want to rely on them and I crashed.
I still dont know what to think, it seems hopeless still. Yesterday I was up by 9 went in to the city, went to a meeting and to the doctor. Raised the mirtazipine back up and added a beta blocker for anxiety. Now today, Im back feeing hopeless, scared etc. didnt get up till after 1:00. Hoe am I going to ever have a life like this, be with my kids again. I was doing better, now im not.
Do I need more time? im 47 and cry! I dont feel like Im in control of my life, I miss my kids.
I dont know what to do, I am scared again.