I had a wonderful birthday yesterday. My son's court was put over to January, I got my nails done (cute candy canes for Christmas), my hubby bought some used WII games (so we now have 4 games for the WII), my hubby called me at 7:30 a.m. to wish me a happy birthday (he was on his way home from work). All of my kids remembered my birthday.
Both of my parents forgot my birthday (this is a good thing because it adds to my list of things to bring up to any therapist I may have in the future).
Today, I was able to clean out my sole-bank account at that bad bank who thinks they can take anyone's money and put it wherever they feel like it. Was just about able to do the same with the joint account, but they caught the error and couldn't release the funds. So close.....
Now I am going to finish my nice quiet day, with one boss, one other assistant and my quiet phones. Then I will pick up my daughter and her saxaphone and go home for the weekend. I believe I will just hunker down and turn up the heat. Windchills are supposed to be -37 and below. BRRRRRR.
Have a great weekend everyone.