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Medlemsgruppe depression

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Anyone help!!???????

for 19 år siden 0 142 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Starr: I really think you should be talking w/a professional. What you're experiencing sounds frightening. I know that sometimes the cure seems worse than the illness, but in your case I think medication will help keep you in the here and now. Family and friends mean well, but they don't have the knowledge, education, or the objectivity to be of more help. My family and friends are very supportive. My therapist is more proactive. She's involved in a way that teaches me ways to identify and counter the negative thoughts. She's helping me to put my feelings and confusion into words. It's very, very hard and sometimes I don't believe what she says. I find it difficult to accept that what I feel isn't always necessarily true. I work at it every day, and now that I'm at a complicated phase they, my therapist and my shrink, want to up my meds. I've thought about it and I'm going to do it because they promised that I will be slowly weand from most of my meds as I progress. This process is very hard and extremely scary. Sometimes I just want to quit. But I have spent most of my life depressed and angry. Now I want to recognize happieness and pease for as long as I can. I hope you can do the same.
for 19 år siden 0 70 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Im feeling sooo bad today i feel angry confused, down, p****d off at everything i dunno whats going on i feel like im going crazy and recently i have started having thoughts in my head, like littlew voices not telling me to do stuff but its like conversations i have had with people playing over and over in my mind i cant stop them,they sound like the people i spoke to-its not my voice saying these things its driving me nuts now even when i am trying to get to sleep. The other day me and my partner was watching something and it looked like a tunnel he asked me what i saw and i said its like your falling down to hell-without even thinking about it. He then said well you could be going up to heaven and the fact it couldve been a tunnell going upwards never even crossed my mind. What the hell is going on ????
for 19 år siden 0 70 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
That might be true ive sat and thought about that and the truth is i dont know how i could answer those questions any other way as i cannot remember what i felt like before which is quite strange because i know what kinda person i am but i dont.Im reading the road less travelled and beyond and god! it confirms a lot of things i thought before and was laid into because of them..certainly making me think.
for 19 år siden 0 13 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hi Starr, If you are doing a personality analysis of yourself while you are stressed out you may be getting an incorrect judgement on what your type is. While I was in the deeper stage of depression(feeling symptoms similar to what you are going thru now) I thought I was an ESTJ until my wife pointed out that she thought I was an INFP. There is a personality theory called "shadow-side" which means when stressed the personality does the extreme opposite of it's usual self. After I re-read the types I realized I was judging myself based on my shadowing characteristics. (read the last section "recognizing stress" at http://www.teamtechnology.co.uk/mb-types/estp.htm) I found that it says I'm doing the perfect job for me too - I just think I was getting burned out. Taking some time off helped, but I was so busy with my newborn and moving that I didn't relax like I should have. If you do get to take time off, make sure to use it wisely and completely relax.
for 19 år siden 0 70 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
By the way i am a ESTP and it says my perfect job is an insurance broker- how wierd thats exactly what im doing now.
for 19 år siden 0 70 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
my boss said to me yesterday that they are going to refer me to the occupational health thing we have at work as they will be able to asess exactly what i need and find the right person for me to help me...started reading that book, dont quite know what to make of it yet, seems interesting anyway. Ive had a really woerd couple of dreams lately and ive got the feeling that im going to get worse before i get better, i dont know why but thats whats going on at the moment, my paranoia at work is a bit worse but i told everyone on my team so they all understand what it is im going through so they dont make any wrong assumptions about me, feel kinda numb in a way today..how bizzare how bizzare
for 19 år siden 0 13 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hi Starr, I was recently going thru many of the feelings of panic attacks and concentration problems too. Also, I had to avoid discussing my depression with my wife since she was starting to get irritated with it. I empathize with you because I dealt with all of the same issues at work. What helped me the most was constantly reading more and more about my personality type and how it would deal in a stressful situations. I know it doesn't give answers to the questions you have about your personal life, but IT WILL HELP YOU UNDERSTAND WHY YOU ARE FEELING THIS WAY AND HOW YOU REACT TO CERTAIN SITUATIONS. I went to a therapist for about 3 months and it helped just to have someone unbias listing to me. But I refused to consider meds because I wanted to deal with the situation and fix it. I still have some momments of depression when I feel I have no direction in my life, but it's not nearly as bad as before when my mind was racing at 2000 thoughts per second. From waking up in the morning until the drive to work was only 2 hours but felt like 2 days in my head. There are 3 books and 2 websites that helped me tremendously. Books: 1.What should I do with my Life - Po Bronsen 2.Self-matters - Dr. Phil (look past his annoying one-liners, this isn't as bad as his shows) 3.Do what you are - Tieger ( The book is more thorough in classifying you than using the quiz on the website. Websites: 1. This site since it lets you vent to many people that understand your feelings. Once you find your personality type, you'll probably find people on this site that have chats about it. I found some INFPs that had similar feelings to me and it helped just reading and writing about it. I hope this helps. Stay strong and keep in touch with us on the progress. Edited on 11/23/2004 @ 9:32:55 AM by The NicoTest Support Team
for 19 år siden 0 142 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Starr: I'm sorry to say this, but I don't think your doctor is capable of giving you the help you need. Since you can't afford a shrink right now I really thik you should go to a mental health clinic. For many people like us, one medication isn't enough. For me, since I am diabetic, there are a limited amount of meds I can take. It took the shrink three different medications before I began to feel any effect at all. Since most antidepressants take 4-6 weeks before I even felt anything I thought there was no hope for me. Eventually he did find a combination that works w/o effecting my sugars. Also, since anxiety effects everyones glucose levels I thought my case was hopeless. Once my anxiety levels started going down, so did my sugars. Please don't give up. Are there other doctors at the practice you go to? Maybe another doctor has more experience. Please let us know.
for 19 år siden 0 70 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Actually, I am feeling soooo mad! my doctor also asked me what i thought about coming off the meds and coping without them, my reply was i came here because i wasnt on meds and i could not cope! Sometimes i think that people are so stupid,i am feeling so bloody angry today and tired i could fall asleep here at my desk (work would really appreciate this) also i have a couple of [people sitting behind me at work and im getting paranoid about it i feel like theyre pulling faces behind my back and saying things about me, i know logically that they are not as theyre my best friends in the world(we are very close at work) but it still feels like they are. Woek has offered to move me so i face everyone aand then i would feel excluded from my team so i reallly cant win at all.He asked me if i was hearing voices in my head, i hear conversation ppl had with me in the day, nothing scary i dont have voices telling me to kill people or anything remotley like it. I have also noticed ive started having some really bad nightmares aswell about really random stuff i dont wake up till it has finished and im not scared when i wake, yet in my drean i am absolutley terrified. i dont understand what is happening to me i thought i would feel better now they have increased my medication but i just feel even more tired and self concious(which is a side affect) ive started cleaning loads untill i feel like ive got to stop or ill pass out as i feel this really bad like urgency to get it done as quick as i can. I dunno...
for 19 år siden 0 70 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Well i had a word with my boss at work because they have policies on stuf flike this and theyre going to try to help me, not sure if they will though but they asked me if i wanted time off and i said ill tell them when i do,,, they have said that they will help me as much as they can. I do want time off because its such a struggle in the mornings and yet i dont because it takes my mind off these things. What do you guys suggets?

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